QCubed Examples Site
This is a collection of many small examples that demonstrate the functionality in QCubed. Later examples tend to build upon functionality or concepts that are discussed in prior ones, which allows the Examples site to be viewed as a quasi-tutorial. However, you should still feel free to check out any of the examples as you wish.
The Examples are broken into three main parts: the Code Generator, the Forms and Control Library, and Other QCubed Functionality.
* Some of the examples (marked with a "*") use the Examples Site Database. This database (which consists of six tables and some preloaded sample data) is included in the Examples Site directories. See Basic CodeGen > About the Database for more information.
QForms is a stateful, event-driven architecture for web-based forms, providing the display and presentation functionality for QCubed. Basically, it is your "V" and "C" of the MVC architecture.
Sections 4 - 10 are examples on how to use Forms and the Control libraries within the QCubed Development Framework.
4. Basic QForms - An introduction to Forms and Controls
- (About Sections 4 - 10)
- Hello World Example
- Forms: Stateful, Event-Driven Objects
- Understanding Process Flow
- Calculator Example
- Calculator Example with Validation
- Calculator Example with "Design"
- * Introduction to ListControl
- * Generating Html Lists
- * Introduction to TextBox Controls
5. Basic AJAX in QForms - A look at how to AJAX-enable your QForms
6. More About Events and Actions -
- Editable ListBox
- Conditional Events
- Trigger-Delayed Events
- Javascript Actions, Alerts and Confirmations
- Other Client-Side Actions
- Controlling Event Bubbling
- Event Delegation
- Blocking Unwanted Events
- JavaScript Priorities
- Automatic Refreshing of Controls
- Using QControlProxies to have Non-QControls Trigger Events
7. Paginated Controls - The Table, DataGrid and DataRepeater controls
- * Table Controls
- * Table Columns
- * Table Formatting and Styling
- * Table Link Column
- * Dynamically adding Controls to Tables
- * The DataGrid Class and Sorting
- * DataGrid Pagination
- * Detecting Row and Cell Clicks
- * The Easy Way to Add a Checkbox Column to a Datagrid
- * Datagrid with Inline Editing
- * Nested DataGrid
- * Simple DataRepeater using AJAX-triggered Pagination
8. Advanced Controls Manipulation - Dynamically creating controls, Implementing custom controls
- Introduction to BlockControls
- Dynamically Changing a Control's Parent
- Persistent Controls
- Creating Your Own Control
- Creating a Composite Control
- "Multiple Forms" Functionality via Custom Panels
9. Advanced AJAX - Advanced AJAX functionality like drag and drop, selection and cinematic effects
- Renameable Labels
- Porting Code to the Client Side
- Moveable Controls (a.k.a. Drag and Drop)
- Automatic Scrolling
- Move Handle: Specifying Which Controls to Move
- Move Handle: Defining Drop Zones
- Resizing Block Controls
- Modal "Dialog Boxes"
- * Server-side wrappers for all jQuery UI Controls
- Post data back to the server from jQuery UI controls
- JQuery Effects
10. Other Controls - Other core controls