Measuring Performance using Timer
If you ever need to do light-weight profiling of your QCubed application, you might find the Timer class useful. It's really simple: you can start a named timer by doing Timer::start('timerName'); you can stop it; you can restart the timer later if you want to. When you're done measuring a section of your code, just call Timer::getTime('timerName'). If you had several timers running, an easy way to dump all the interesting debug info is to call Timer::varDump().
Each of the timers is internall maintained as a Timer object. If you want to
know more about the timers - for example, the number of times the timer was
started - you can get the Timer object instance, and then interrogating that
$objTimer = Timer::getTimer('timerName');
echo $objTimer->CountStarted;
Take a look at a sample usage example below by clicking View Source.
Results of Timer::varDump():
longCalculation - start count: 2 - execution time: 0.008426
loadPersons - start count: 1 - execution time: 0.001312